“How was I adopted? Where did you find me?”
The question, unexpected but not unanticipated, came from the back seat on a cool fall afternoon, as we were en route to a Cub Scout event to watch a soccer game at the local YMCA. We were listening to “I’m Adopted,” a song written for an adopted son on Randall Goodgame’s amazing Slugs and Bugs album Under Where?. The question was unexpected because—although we’d discussed his adoption with him many times previously—Wolverine had never previously expressed an actual interest in his story.
Here he was, a month shy of 6, and now, finally, it became clear to him that his story was different from that of his other siblings. We’d been anticipating questions like these since the first time we held his tiny preemie body in our arms five Decembers ago. And still, despite the fact that we’d had literally his whole life to come up with answers, I was caught dumbfounded. Continue reading