Prayer Concerns
We all have needs. One of the major ways that our partnership team can support us, is to go to their knees before the Father on our behalf. In that spirit, we present to you our major prayer concerns for this season of our lives. This list will change on a semi-regular basis, probably monthly or sometimes more frequently than that. Please check back regularly for updates/changes.
Wise time management
Our main task during this season is to focus on Partnership Development (PD). Pray God will give us wisdom in how we manage our time between family, work schedules, and PD activities.
Effective meetings
Our primary method for PD is the face-to-face meeting. Pray we will have effective, productive meetings with churches, organizations, and individuals who might partner with us in this exciting endeavor.
Assignment details – UPDATE
While we know the task of our assignment, many other details are still being sorted out. Pray that those details will continue to be worked out with patience and through God’s amazing provision.
UPDATE – Wycliffe Germany has agreed to officially sponsor our visas–one step closer…yea!
God’s blessing for our children – UPDATE
All our children have been incredibly patient and flexible with us as we’ve gone through this first transition, and with the two weeks in Orlando. Pray God will open their hearts to where He is leading our family.
UPDATE – We’re teaching them all German, starting now. Pray that they’ll be able to soak it up like the knowledge sponges that they are.
Praise for God’s timing
The road our family has followed was a long, winding one. But we know God has appointed this time for us to do this task. We praise & honor Him for providing confirmation at every step in the process so far.
Praise for training milestone – In July we all traveled from Houston to Orlando for two weeks of on-site training. Despite illness during that time, it was a great blessing in which we had the opportunity to learn much about the Wycliffe way.